July 29, 2008
Im Tired....
July 28, 2008
Yay, I've finally made a good decision
July 27, 2008
Holy Crap
Here's a copypasta of it:
Pictured: The terrifying 4-inch key fob gun used to shoot clubber 'in row over girls'
By Colin Fernandez
Last updated at 12:19 AM on 26th July 2008
At just four inches long, it fits easily in the hand and could be a key fob of the type used to open car doors by remote control.
But this tiny device is in fact a lethal weapon - a gun capable of firing two 0.25-inch bullets.
Yesterday, a thug was jailed for nine years for using one like it to shoot a man for 'disrespecting' him in a nightclub.
Marcus Henry's weapon was converted from a pocket gun designed to fire miniature flares, a gadget which is legal in Bulgaria where they cost £15.
Around 100 are believed to have filtered into Britain from Eastern Europe in the latest worrying illustration of how weapons once found in the realm of spy fiction are falling into the hands of criminals.
The double-barrelled gun is fired by pressing buttons on the side.
Marcus Henry was jailed today for shooting a man with the key fob gun
Henry, 27, shot Yaw Darko Kwakye from nine feet outside the Departure Lounge club in the City of London on December 16 last year, hitting him in the shoulder.
Mr Darko Kwakye survived because, due to the short barrel of the weapon, the bullet did not fire straight but rotated through the air and hit him side-on. Henry was jailed at the Old Bailey yesterday.
Mark Heywood, prosecuting, told the jury: 'In these days of heightened security, particularly in our capital city, if someone wants to carry a weapon it must be concealed.
'One method of concealment is to disguise what it is - a remote control key fob of the kind you might find is used to open the doors of a car.'
The court heard that Henry, who was in the club with a friend, had been seen chatting to Mr Darko Kwakye's girlfriend shortly before the club closed at 4am.
Mr Heywood told jurors that after a fight between the two men in the club, Henry lay in wait outside when the club shut and confronted members of 24-year-old Mr Darko Kwakye's group.
'Henry was seen to have his hand near his waistband on a number of occasions and was heard to say, "Look how many of you there are, there's only two of us",' Mr Heywood said.
'He then brought his hand out and into a straight-arm firing position and then aimed in the direction of Mr Darko Kwakye and the others.
'There was a lot of movement and between two and four sounds like shots.'
The 4-inch Bulgarian-made key fob gun is split into two separate pieces to load. The 2 shows the muzzle of the weapon.
The victim's group at first scattered but then returned to smash the windows of Henry's car as he sped away.
'Mr Darko Kwakye had in fact been hit in the right shoulder, but he didn't realise it,' said Mr Heywood.
'He went down the street and got into a car with two others. He realised as he was travelling away there was blood on his shirt and a bullet hole.'
The gun was found hidden in a sock with traces of Henry's blood on it during a police search of a house.
Henry, of Battersea, South-West London, denied he was the gunman, but was convicted of possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life, possession of a prohibited weapon and unlawful wounding. He was acquitted of attempted murder.
Jailing him, Judge Christopher Moss said the offence of bringing a loaded firearm into a public place and using it should meet with a 'severe prison sentence'.
Mr Heywood asked for the gun to be forfeited but not destroyed, so that the 'novel weapon' could be used for training purposes by the police.
Detective Sergeant Dave Carter, of City of London Police, said: 'They are very dangerous weapons, arguably more dangerous than your average handgun because to the casual glance they look like something different.
'It is not particularly accurate but from a short distance it can be fatal.'
So... Tired....
July 25, 2008
Old.. but woke me up
The one with the black hair looks very very similar to someone I know... /shifty look
July 24, 2008
So I've started watching HBO's The Wire
Kindom Hearts for the DS?!?!
July 23, 2008
Mmm Perogies
It's Official...
July 22, 2008
New Template, Less Annoying for me
I broke down after getting paid
New keyboard is great!
July 20, 2008
This day was bad...
I should really do this...
July 19, 2008
Something doesn't taste right with my coffee...
July 18, 2008
Wow, What a day... Now time for a rant!
But there is a good side to this rant, as I also had some good experiences from people that can actually speak English as their second or third language in their own countries. As you know I'm looking for a cheap pair of Beyerdynamic DT 770's, which I found. Trouble is they don't have the nice leather headband pad, so I have to get one from the local supplier. Beyerdynamic doesn't list them on their site, so I emailed them and found out I have to call Edmonton... I sat there for a minute thinking "WTF?!! Edmonton?!?! How the hell are they going to help me?!!?". Well, I have to call another person that is in Toronto that does private sales.... so that'll happen tommorow.
Oh, you know those damn automated call helper people that companies use to reduce costs? THEY SUCK. Real people are always better to deal with, even if they are annoying, self centered jackasses in real life they have a job to do and they do it better then the "Helpers". Next time I get one of those from a place that I didn't think would have it I'm going to punch a hole in a wall, kick a baby or pet my dog and have a giant maniacal laughing feast while she looks at me with those pretty eyes and thinks that I'm fucked in the head.
Now I'm feeling a bit better! Have a good... whatever...
July 17, 2008
Times are about to be changin round these parts...
I feel like watching a movie now, but I don't know what movie. Most likely if I get bored I'll start nitpicking movies just for the hell of it... I got too much time on my hands and not enough crap shoveled on my plate right now to make me motivated to do this though, so it might be a pipedream until someone hits me hard enough to knock some sense into me.
I just gagged...
Like people that drive under a kilometre, to get a coffee or to get something to eat. I'd see a purpose if you were hauling a shitload of stuff, but also this is one of the downfalls of living in a country with freedoms and rights. But if I didn't have my freedoms and rights I wouldn't be here bitching about people, so what do I know. All I know is that I'm gonna go dump a few litres of gas on a candle fire and see what happens, and thank the world I live in a free country... by the name of Canada. Wee, that felt nice getting all of that off my chest!
Top Gear 11x04: My Thoughts
July 16, 2008
Back from the doctors
E3 Current Thoughts, and some other Random crap
The Microsoft keynote was almost a huge bore for me, except for the little gem they threw into it for fun. The new Banjo Kazooie game, and the original Banjo Kazooie game for XBLA. I love these childish platformers, and I have memories of the adventures of Banjo and Kazooie. Now if Micrsoft would get around to putting Goldeneye on XBLA with multiplayer I would be happy.
Now for all of the opinion on the crap I read, I hate the Avatars and the new interface. Hell, I hate the old interfece to an extent. It looks too.... future like. Plus the avatars look like a complete ripoff of the Mii's, sort of like the Wii came out and MS thought "lets copypasta that and make money off it". Guitar Hero.... meh. Rock Band 2.... meh. IPTV system.... well I can't even use that so I'll bitch about it. What about the people that have a country above you?!?!?! We have our own stations like CBC and CTV. I'd kill for CBC on the new Xbox Live TV system, having the ability to have older hockey games and such to be in a pre-listed queue. And anything else that I missed I don't really care about at all.
Then there's the Sony keynote... I wasn't interested so I haven't looked at any of it until.... now. They did something amazing!!! God of War 3!
I have to admit I loved the first 2 GoW's, and this looks like it'll be a great game. I might have to actually buy a PS3 to play this lol. I don't really care about the $400 US PS3, and the PSP. So that's it for Sony.
Nintendo, from what I'm seeing, is getting a big MEH from my corner. I'm sorry, there really isn't any Nintendo games that hold me beside Pokemon. And I already have that for the DS. Plus the console Pokemons have always sucked, so I don't even bother anymore.
So really someone will notice that I have more about the 360 than anything else, but that's because I stumbled upon the live coverage by G4 one day when there wasn't anything on TV. I own a 360 and I hate the damn thing for it's shitty graphics, slow interface and mostly horrible controls in games that I love. I'm a true born PC gamer, and I just can't play consoles for long before having console sickness. Unless its a true, really fun game like God of War, Forza 2, Crackdown, some of the Final Fantasy's, Kingdom Hearts series, and more I can't remember. These are elite games in my mind, having the abilty to have such a compelling story, yet just the perfect amount of gameplay perfection and cutscene madness included.
But for now, I have to deal with the maggot mess that is the stupid green bag inititive(I think I spelled that wrong lol) and find something to eat because I'M OUT OF JAM! All the other jam went moldy, so I think it's black coffee and cereal and milk. Could be something else. And I have to goto the doctors sometime today to get my eczema(i don't think thats right either) looked at and maybe get something for it. Either way, I'm done for now.
July 15, 2008
Mmmm... I have no jam for toast though....
July 14, 2008
The Story and Build of... THE RATAPAULT
The Ratapault came from a science project to make something that could fling a marshmallow the furthest distance. A lot of ideas that we came up with involved rockets, fire and a very large sling shot. Then we saw a mouse trap and thought it would be fun to try it. It worked, very well, but it only went 5 metres or so. So it was either duct taping 2 mouse traps together or trying out a rat trap.
So we tried the rat trap on its own, but it wouldn't go anywheres because the rat trap has so much torque and so little weight it would flip itself in mid swing. The giant step assembly was the way to counteract the flipping, and from there we got a good 17 metres. But, it sat and the springs/ whole rat trap started to decay. I didn't see this when I went to launch it for the last time today, so the result of the video at the end was quite a shock to me.
Building or making or whatever you wanna call it:
You get a beer cap, undented and in half decent condition, and some duct tape. My duct tape is a nice shade of yellow so that if the beer cap flys off I can find it (and yes the beer cap can fly off if there isn't enough tape on it).
Next is just showing the Ratatpault in all of it's final glory, with the backwards pikes and the massive wood step design.
The beer cap MUST be taped on securely or it WILL fly off. I've been hit a few times, and they all hurt. Make sure the tape overlaps the inside of the beer cap, it makes for better setup angles and such.
This is the whole thing pulled back, ready for a dry fire. Rat traps can break multiple fingers and thumbs with ease, so use caution or it might fire. Also this is a good time to make sure that you did a good taping job.
Loaded, ready to fire the bright spraypainted marshmallow into oblivion. Use something long and make sure no pets or people are in the way of the ammo, I've been told it hurts.
And now, the firing and death of the original Ratapault.
And the loud tang right before the 2nd text screen? That was one of the staples that held the springs down. I thought it hit me somewheres, which would be funny but very difficult to explain at the hospital.
Well that's all I've got for now, I think it's time for some TV, a shower and a drink.
Well now it's been a while
So thats all that has happened in the past months that I have ignored this blog, and now I'm back! Later I think I might post something about the new Top Gear episode and season... if I remember...