August 19, 2008

So it's Tuesday

And guess what that means?
NEW UPDATE FOR TF2!! HEAVY UPGRADES!!! Except they haven't updated the game yet...? NOOOOOO!!!!!

So now I am off to bed to nurse the oil burns from the cookers and to get off my feet. I could be making a random useless post tomorrow if I do feel like it, and especially if I can talk with the RVA representative to just say "ORDER MY DAMN PART ALREADY". Or if my electronic bubble wrap and Annoyotron come in. Now that would be awesome, and I would spend tons of time thinking of very very clever hiding spots that I could have with me, and to have hidden. I have already thought of taking the battery out of my cell phone and using some blu tak to keep it from rattling around, but that's way too obvious. This needs to be much more clever, much stealthier. So that I may not only annoy my target, but also anyone else that is willing to be sucked into the annoyance stream of this little device. Now only if DHL would get their shit together and stop giving my package a round trip of the east coast.

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